“I have something to give”
- Have you considered volunteering?- Can you spare 2 - 4 hours or more per week?
- Do you have skills or experience that you would be willing to share?
Our amazing volunteers are the heartbeat of Beacon Counselling. They give their time freely in a wide variety of roles to support and provide the services that Beacon is able to offer to individuals and the community. People volunteer for many reasons. Our volunteers feel part of a team that provides a valued service – they socialise and meet new people. They find that existing skills continue to find a valuable focus while new skills can also develop. Our volunteers find a rewarding and purposeful sense of ‘giving something back’. They make a difference to real lives.
In return, Beacon is committed to giving our volunteers induction and in-house training with ongoing support and guidance. Out-of-pocket expenses are covered. There are opportunities to become involved in various aspects of the charity’s work. We place high value on your experience and interest. Please do not hesitate to call 01204 546100 or email enquire@beaconcounselling.org for an informal chat.
Volunteer roles have included:
Evening Receptionist to meet and greet clients. Admin Support for general office tasks and data input. Counsellors; Trustees; HR consultancy for support, information and advice. Professional standards committee members. Interviewers for our Recruitment and Induction team. Someone to edit and publish our Newsletter (bi-monthly editions) or update social media. Website development and maintenance. Marketing, publishing and fundraising. Volunteer’s representative; Small Events Organiser; Yes; and Rug Designer! Small one off projects are equally as valuable as longer term commitments.
Comments from Volunteers:
“Volunteering has helped me to engage with people again”
“I came to give something back and continue to learn something new”
“I get to meet lovely people and have made new friends”
“Volunteering gives me a sense of satisfaction and achievement”
“The hours suit my lifestyle”
“Volunteering has boosted my self-esteem”